It has been quite an experience for us to part-take in Channel 8 旧欢心爱 Renaissance. Hosted by
In our following post, there will be some of the weblinks for the video and the low down on the products featured. Watch episodes
other home makeover program, this, we felt that there was a real need to help some of these families. From some partial sponsorships to fully sponsored materials, all this bits & pieces are transformed to fit into this revamped homes. Here's a bit of us giving back to the society.In our following post, there will be some of the weblinks for the video and the low down on the products featured. Watch episodes
自6月3日起,每逢星期五,晚上8点 Debuts: 3 Jun, Every Fri, 8.00pm
Every furniture has a story to tell - Years later, when the furniture becomes the treasured memory of the past, would you bear to discard it?
Discarding old furniture that does not fit with your interiors of your home is not the only option. Going green and yet maintaining the precious memory is possible with some ingenuity. In this new programme Renaissance, Bryan Wong works together with a family and creatively injects new life into old, worn-out furniture so that it not only looks modern, but retains fond memories as well.
Each week, a family will be selected and Bryan will pay them a visit to their home. After Bryan familiarizes himself with the situation, he gets the keys of the house from the owner, thereby being in charge of the revamping. The owners will then stay away from their houses while Bryan embarks on his project, and will only return after all works have been completed, seeing a new transformation to their home.
Exclusive Online Series
Come here for exclusive online series that can't be found on TV! The series will explore, step by step, the creativity process that goes behind Bryan's revamping of the furniture.
You might be inspired to give a new look to an existing piece of furniture!
Also available in on ntv7 Thursdays 11pm
Renaissance 旧欢心爱

每张椅子都有个故事,你是否还记得童稚时祖父就坐在心爱的藤椅上,听着音乐的情景吗?藤椅蕴藏回忆,谁舍得丢弃?为此,创意无限的才子主持王禄江每 个星期会登门造访一户人家,用他源源不断的巧思妙想与参与者共同发挥创意,改造客厅,並秉持再生、再用、再循环的理念,为这些家庭成员恋恋不舍的旧家具改 头换面。
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